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20-70078.įor Udo: David Casarrubias of Hanson Bridgettįor the government: Sheri Glaser of the U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy of Montana, who sat by designation. The panel included Circuit Judges Sidney Thomas and Margaret McKeown and U.S.

(Click any link to visit that studio.) 20. The court on Wednesday remanded the case to the Board of Immigration Appeals to reconsider Udo's claims. Here are Str8UpGayPorn’s Top 20 Most Searched-For Gay Porn Studios Of 2017. Udo escaped from a detention center and fled to the U.S., where he applied for asylum, according to the 9th Circuit decision. A 2014 Nigerian law criminalized same-sex marriage and relationships. Go Best New Long Categories Pornstars Gay Games Live Sex HD Porn. You can also return to the main page to see the most popular videos of our site. Remember we only have quality video on a big player:) Do not forget to add video and the site itself to your bookmarks. Udo said he and his boyfriend were severely beaten by a local 'community security' group in 2015 after a hotel waiter walked in on them having sex and reported them. On this page you can see all the recent addition of video on our site. Udo initially gave an asylum officer the name of a hotel that did not exist, later saying that he was afraid to identify the actual hotel, according to court filings.īut the location of the hotel is at best ancillary to Udo's claims, the 9th Circuit said, 'and is certainly not a material element.'Ī lawyer for Udo did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Board of Immigration Appeals had affirmed an immigration judge's ruling that Udo's asylum bid was frivolous because he deliberately fabricated a key element of his application and failed to establish that he is gay.

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