Parthenon gay sex scene

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This is after footage emerged online instantly attracting backlash and huge uproar.Īlso Read: 8 locations where to have the best sex in AfricaĪ statement on Friday from the culture ministry said: “The archaeological site of the Acropolis does not lend itself to activism or any other action that offends or shows a lack of respect to the monument.” What the fuck is Departhenon On Tuesday, Greek authorities vowed to track down the people behind the film called “Departhenon” and slap them with charges including defaming the UNESCO-listed site.Ī culture ministry spokesman told AFP that they had since launched an investigation into the video, which shows a sexual encounter between two masked men having sex. Gay sex at Greece most important archaeological siteĪ gay scene depicting two masked men having sex at Acropolis, Greece most important archaeological site, has created an uproar. Gay sex at Greece most important archaeological site.

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